Sunday, July 18, 2010

Epic Blogger Fail!!!

Yeah. We've failed at the whole "we're cute and engaged so let's start a blog to let everyone know" thing. But in our defence we're seperated. Todd has been in LA since the beginning of April and I've been doing an extra semester her in Rexburg. Not exactly fun. Not exactly adventurous (for me at least).

And you can't have the adventures of  Todd and Bethany when we're never in the same place at once. Maybe I should change the title to "The Excellent Adventures of Todd and/or Bethany". That would be more fitting. 

Hopefully more adventures to come soon!


  1. Welcome back to blogger land. Can't wait for more adventures to be posted. Trust me, marriage is an adventure!

  2. Oh boy, I can't wait for more posts.
