Saturday, July 31, 2010

5 (Possibly Uncomfortable) things you didn't know about Bethany......

Since most (cough. all.) of our readers are Todds family I thought you may want to know a few of the "are you sure you want me to marry into your family" things about me before your stuck for good. ;P
  1.  I'm a yogini-- meaning I practice and study yoga and meditation. I'm hoping to get my Yoga Allience Teaching certification after I graduate. Todd has gotten accustomed to walking into a room to find me tied in a knot or standing on my head.
  2. I'm generally vegetarian. While I don't mind eating meat once in a while when I'm at a family dinner or at social events, I cook almost exclusively vegetarian. Good thing Todd served in Taiwan and likes tofu.
  3. And while we're on hippie topics, I also have femenist tendancies compared to most of the girls at BYU-Idaho. As a child and teenager I was always more concerned with getting grad degrees than having kids and getting married. Which is really funny because I'm well versed in sewing, cooking, canning, quilting, etc. But more for artistic reasons than to be prepared to be a homemaker, I like to be able to make things and take care of myself. It always bugged me when people called me domestic.
  4. I don't like being the center of attention in a large group, I would rather have  an intimate conversation in a small group of people. Which is strange because I love to be on stage....
  5. I sleep a lot. Minimum 7-8 hours. And I don't function when I don't sleep. 


  1. Bethany, we love you just as you are. Actually you fit right into the family (except maybe for the sleep thing but we can live with that). My mother was the original feminist and I and my sisters picked up those attitudes and are still happily married. (I would not major in elementary education even though I liked teaching children because the classes were in the "home and family" education building and I would not be seen as "Molly Mormon"). Several of my kids were border line vegetarians growing up, I totally think yoga and several other medication techniques are beneficial,(I personally practice self hynosis) and all of us function better in small groups. Welcome to the family!

  2. I think you should give me some yoga lessons (-: I love pilates (but I'm not good). I try to make more non-meat meals than meat during the week but I'm always looking for good recipes. Maybe we should start a Schwieder Girls Recipe Blog and you can contribute. Well, I'm glad I got to know you better.

  3. P.S. I have to have sleep too. I didn't get mom's genes for that.

  4. P.S. I didn't mean "medication" - I meant Meditation. :)

  5. So with needing 7-8 hours of sleep each night, where does skyping Todd fit in? I agree with needing 7-8 hours of sleep however Brett has mom's genes of not sleeping or being able to go on very little sleep; so thus I have learned to stay up late with him and take naps during the day. I hope you can convince Todd he need 7-8 hours as well, good luck. Yoga sounds like a lot of fun. I have done it a couple of times and I am not very good at it because I am not very flexible however I would love to do it more.

  6. Les-

    That depends whether I want to be late for work or not the next morning.

    Though Todd has had a number of strange experiences where he will call me when he gets off work and I will answer the phone while still asleep.

    He says I haven't said anything weird-- but I think he might just be too nice to say anything.
